Genes, Credence & More

Words, no matter how sumptuous and fancy, sound so shallow when they lack a basic insight. With science being in the lime light lately, certain terms, otherwise confined to the scientific lexicon, have become an integral part of common discourse. Genes, DNA, Genetics, are some such examples. Masses pick up such words from the media but fail to comprehend the true meaning and apropos avail. As a contemporary and futuristic biologist, it annoys me. Not because every Jack around the corner should be conversant in elaborate biological terminology, but because the common man in my country derives all his wisdom and acumen from the deceiving and deceitful media. Of course there are exceptions, exceptions that reflect atleast figments of reality and veracity. But a vast majority of them has mastered the art of concoction and fabrication, the sole purpose being fiscal success and public esteem.
It annoys me to see that these ‘people’ have lost the urge to question, the incentive to the quest for truth. They might quote lines from movies about DNA tests being availed to identify an assassin or disclose the father of an illegitimate child. Or gossip about the genes and genetic composition of others. But as an answer to a ‘Why’ or ‘How’, the only answer one gets is an impassive and hollow gaze. Even worse, they lack the impetus and motivation to turn a few pages in a book or log onto Wikipedia to find out what ‘something’ is and how ‘something’ works. (I don’t buy the crap about India being a backward country and not having much access to the computers or the internet, when a majority of the urban youth spends majority of their lives on Facebook, Twitter or Orkut.) What exasperates and peeves me is that inspite of having all sorts of technology and resources at their disposal, these ‘people’ fail to take advantage. Why this ignorance? Why this servitude to curbed and limited information? Why do they have blinkers on their eyes and see what is shown, instead of seeking the truth?
However, reeling back to the point, the complexities and intricacies of life have hardly ever been put into the words of the common man. In simple & rustic words, Genetics and Fate are very alike. Indeed the genetic composition of a body is its biological fate. Every physical being has a discrete and exclusive set of genes. They might be similar or imbricate for individuals but never identical. DNA is the parchment which God chose to pen down the biological fate on, wrapped it up and tucked it into our cells. The axioms of Fate are also pertinent for Genetics. The genetic composition of a body not only encodes for blood relationships and predisposition to diseases, but every minute and trivial biological event is somewhat predetermined. And just as fate evolves by our ‘karma’, the genetic fate can also be modified by our ‘karma’ towards our body, what we do to keep it healthy (or rather unhealthy), what we devour, how often we loose our temper and how frequently we tread into the fresh air.
My words might sound notably incongruous and devout at this instant. Me, a patron and disciple of science, preaching about God and his divine powers, might stick out a bit. I am a Believer… A Thinker, yet a Believer. Through centuries science has been parted from religion. People of science have denounced religion. And the men of religion have shunned science and its apostles. To me rationality is an extrapolation of ideologies. Deeper I plunge into the abysmal ocean of Science, more tenacious, vehement and profound becomes my credence in God and his celestial powers. For something as intricate and abstruse as a living being, and a world adorned with a diverse assortment of such beings, all linked by an elaborate food chain can be contrived, spawned and fostered by only ‘someone’ with inmitable competence and dexterity. Life in itself is evidence of the existence of a higher power, The Almighty!
Once again Genetics, is the biological destiny of a body. It is in part inherited from both parents but is pooled and amalgamated in such a way that it is as exclusive and unique as one’s fate. It is predestined.. but its clandestine. No one can perceive what lies encrypted and concealed inside the cells. But the secret unfolds when the time comes. Is it not Him then who delineated and conceived all of this? One may ponder if God created the world then who created God? But is The Creator himself obliged to be amenable by sheer mortals like us. Religion might not make sense and appear delusive on several occasions but pristine faith and unconditional conviction are not bound by the realms of religion. I am a Believer.. I believe in God, in a higher celestial power but I am not restrained by any religion and rituals :D 

8 Opinions:

Shadow Girl said...
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Shadow Girl said...

I am in accordance with your point of view as a whole ..especially the fact that non access to computers is completely false when every Tom, Dick and Harry is twiiting 24/7..People mask their ignorance under different guises and make an effort to display their miniscule amonut of knowledge as gigantic..
"A little learning is a dangerous thing."

The West Wind said...

Yes.. very true.. there is a whole lot of difference between believing and failing to identify the truth. All in all.. most people are highly ignorant of everything around them and consider their bubble as the universe.

sonu said...

ahh.. i do agree with u isha..but don't you think sometimes ppl are too burdened up,to log on to wikipedia to get answers fr general knowledge..
(though i do hv a frnd,who does this)..but @ d same tym,.there are ppl who just Go-OgLe to quench their academic thirst !!
about FB,Orkut etc.. these sociaL networking sites are sometimes jus a medium to ease ppl off their burdened lives !!!
& anyways an excuse for being ignorant is uncalled for at present..!!..

The West Wind said...

Yeah I agree noone has an easy life these days.. but then we need to fit in everything, entertainment, fun, gaining knowledge within our busy lives. And ofcourse everyone cant know everything... but my point is to have a basic idea and an opinion about things prevalent around u.. especially if u use them every now and then in your conversations!!

sonu said...

hmmm..that way..u r ryt !!

buckingfastard said...

"abbe tere to DNA me hi khot hai!!" -dumb anon!!

cant blame ppl...we all r more intrstd in luking intelligent dan being intelligent...bein intelligent is considered geeky..while lukin considered smart!!!so who takes da risk...

ur irritation is justified...but a 21 yrs guy workin in call centre night shift will prefer facebook quiz on 'how smart u are' rather than actually being smart and workin on wiki!!!

ohh i too believe in god...part time atheist...believe inversely proportional to proximity of exam!!

Anonymous said...

People, ahh, that incorrigible specie that is none of us but all of us. People are just people. I ignore them as much as possible...

Individuals, on the other hand, are much more amusing.

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